Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Google Books : Preview

What is Google Books?

Google Books which was previously known as “Google Book Search and Google print” is an ambitious project or service of Google, from which you can search for keywords in entire text books that Google has scanned and saved in its database in text format by using optical character recognition. The project’s Ambitious plan is to make digital copies of 10 million books by 2015 and create a vast library of electronic book and currently Google books contains more than 15 million books, On Oct 14, 2010 Google Books announced that number of Books in Google Books’ database is more than 15 million. The project was first announced at “Frankfurt Book Fair” in October 2004.
Google books scans text books and make digital copies of books and saves it in text format in its database. You can see search results of Google Books from both the normal search in Google’s site and also in the Google Books dedicated site. You can download and read the full book after you select a book after search from Google Books if there is no copyright in the book or the Book is in public domain or the publisher allows to download the full book. And if the author of the books is unknown or the book is copyrighted by author then Google Books only shows few lines of text from the book, although the full book either it is copyrighted or not is search able.

Some benefits of Using Google Books:

> You can find valuable information from Google Books that you cannot find anywhere else.
> It helps Small publishers or even big publishers to sells Books online.
> It helps users to download or study books for free if available on public domain or it helps to buy books in cheap price related to amazon or kindle.
> It saves your time for searching books in many online and offline book stores.

How to add your own books to Google Books?

You can also add your own book in Google Books database. For that all you have to do is go to Google books partner program: and submit you book. By submitting your books to Google Books using Google Books partner program you can make sure that your book will get more attention and may peoples would be able to see, study or buy your books. And there is nothing for which you should not submit your books to Google Books as you can have control over what peoples or users can see from your books and which pages can users see before buying your books.

From where does Google Books get books?
Google Books gets books for including in its database from Google Books partner Program and from the Google Books library project.

Future of Google Books:
About 5,000 years ago in a place of China someone discovered the “ink” which was as revolution of that time and has revolutionized the whole world till now by making it possible to inscribe the knowledge and skills within papers for future use.

Google Books can also bring about a new revolution in the world by making it possible to inscribe millions of skills and knowledge pieces in just a small piece of transistor memory; the digital memory. Google books have already redefined the meaning of knowledge and books. As ink made so much of revolution and advancement in science and technology possibly hopefully Google Books will also make the world a whole new place with new technology and knowledge. Although Some publishers had filed suit against Google for so called “Copyright infringement “ Google Books is able to manage all those suits and establish a new relation with publishers to get help of them in project instead of making them angry. So, Google Books have a bright future. And Hopefully We users will be able to get cheap and free information from Google Books for ever.

Some Tips and Tricks:

The Firefox Plugin: There is a search plugin for your Firefox web browser to search in Google Books. You can install the plugin to Firefox from here:

Yet another Firefox Plugin: You can also Use the following tools together to download all the pages of any books in google books at one:

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