Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Things to Avoid in the Optimization SEO

Things to avoid in SEO optimization. In performing the optimization of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Sometimes we forget things that are actually banned by Google. If we do, then most likely we will experience a decrease blog page rank, or fatal to our blog again banned by google. So far our efforts will be futile and only led to regret it. So I have some tips on things to avoid in SEO optimization. So that we can know and understand some things to avoid in SEO optimization.

Some examples of this which may have to be avoided:

1. Irrelevant keywords.
Some Webmasters use keywords that are irrelevant to the theme of the web. However, not many people search, keywords are sometimes used to drive traffic to their sites. With high hopes of getting traffic. For example, we have a website where we sell Desktop Computers. To increase the traffic, we use the keyword "Obama" all our content, META tags, and Title tag. Certainly the people who search for "Obama" reached our page instead. But however, when they discover that your site is not to do with "Obama", they will move away from your site quickly, because they feel cheated and annoyed by our website. Even more bitter google would suspect there is an element of our actions spam and it will definitely hurt us.

2. Text & Links are not visible
One of the tricks Webmasters is to deceive search engines or visitors to our website. Text or links are not visible to the reader (because the text color the same color as background), but must be seen by search engines. Currently, search engines have intelligence to know this fellow.

3. Invalid HTML
If you have a website or blog, which contains errors in the HTML, then poorly on search engines, although the content we have been optimized as much as possible. If your site has HTML code errors, it will be slow loading, and can lower your site ranking. For example the weight of our blog, because it is basically a blog that ideally the weight is 100 KB. Although my blog is also 100 KB less. :)

4. Ignoring the Title Tag
Most search engines consider (title tag). Because it is also very important. Search engines generally display content that we provide in the Title tag. Therefore, the keywords (keywords) that were most important in the Title tag. And do not forget to also leave the title tag empty.

5. Spamming
Spamming is a practice that we consider unethical to use keywords (keywords) that same repeatedly in Title tag, META tags, or also the text body. There were several Webmaster or blog that uses this technique to improve the site's ranking. However, the search engine (crawl / google bots) will be able to know Spamming and they can also downgraded our Webmaster or blog from sites that use these Spamming.

What constitutes search engine Spam?
Any optimization method or practice employed solely to deceive the search engines for the purpose of increasing rankings is considered Spam. Some techniques are clearly considered as an attempt to Spam the engines. Where possible, you should avoid these:

  1. Keyword stuffing: This is the repeated use of a word to increase its frequency on a page. Search engines now have the ability to analyze a page and determine whether the frequency is above a "normal" level in proportion to the rest of the words in the document. 
  2. Invisible text: Some webmasters stuff keywords at the bottom of a page and make their text color the same as that of the page background. This is also detectable by the engines.
  3. Tiny text: Same as invisible text but with tiny, illegible text. 
  4. Page redirects: Some engines, especially Infoseek, do not like pages that take the user to another page without his or her intervention, e.g. using META refresh tags, Cgi scripts, Java, JavaScript, or server side techniques. 
  5. Meta tags stuffing: Do not repeat your keywords in the Meta tags more than once, and do not use keywords that are unrelated to your site's content. 
  6. Do not create doorways. 
  7. Do not submit the same page more than once on the same day to the same search engine. 
  8. Do not submit virtually identical pages, i.e. do not simply duplicate a web page, give the copies different file names, and submit them all. That will be interpreted as an attempt to flood the engine. 
  9. Do not submit more than the allowed number of pages per engine per day or week. Each engine has a limit on how many pages you can manually submit to it using its online forms. 
  10. Do not participate in link farms or link exchange programs. Search engines consider link farms and link exchange programs as spam, as they have only one purpose - to artificially inflate a site's link popularity, by exchanging links with other participants.

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